Question: How to create account/ signup over

Answer: Simpley type in url go to Pricing choose any plan Monthly, Quaterly, Halfyearly or Annual plan (as per offering) by clicking on subscribe button. It will take you to Registration Page here in this page all fields are required to be filled.

Type full name in name field, check twice before entering email id, provide your mobile number with country code (i.e +1yourphone for USA) 

In protocol less domain name please type your booked domain name or if you dont have any you may book a domain from here. or you may choose (free) & request to backend team to change it in future as per your domain. also provide between http or https (recommended). After that verify capcha, Accept terms & conditions & then click on Register & payment.

It will take you to your account with menu showing side by side here you need to choose any payment method. We prefer razorpay for indian customers & stripe & paypal for europian/ pakistani customers).

once payment is done. your account will be activated after backend verification & if you want your account to get activated instantly just call at

+12818376802 (USA)

+91-9696448865 (India)

+ 92 -03 (Pakistan)

+80- (Bangladesh)

NOTE: if you choose your own custom domain domain must be active & change its dns to



NOTE: it can take upto 48 hours depends on your domain provider

if you dont have option to change dns you may point your domain to


Question: How to retrieve my password?

Answer: Open in your shop url now add /login in suffix. it will take you to login page below password you will see an option "Forget Password?" click on that & follow the instructions. You will get password reset link over email.

Question: How to setup my shop?

Answer: A-) THEME Open in url: or (as you created). you will see a well designed theme with no info. Now add /login in last (i.e. Type email id your & password & click on login. this will take you to dashboard of your shop. Scroll down the left menu & rech to "Online Store -> Theme" choose appropriate theme according to your business. Click on sliders add few sliders of 825px x 400px (png or jpg) HD images. try to keep compress it as you can take it below 70KB.

Note:light weight image helps your website to load much faster.

B-) MENU Click on menus & set header, footer and other menus as per you need. 

C-) SEO Go to seo & update your seo information.

D-) PWA Now go to "Settings->Shop Settings" in general type name of your store, description of your store & fill all other info & click on save. now move to "Settings->Location" type location of your contact information & other info then click on save, now move to "Settings->PWA Settings" This option is responsible to convert your website into android app. Here type App Titile & name of app you want to display after installing on any android phone. choose background color & theme color set APP Main Language to "en-US"  create app icon (same icon in different size)  128X128px, 144x144px,  152x152px, 192x192px, 512x512px, 256x256px, (only PNG extention with transparent background) after filling all fields & uploading all images click on save. (now website will popup an option "add to home"when you open it on android phone/ desktop/laptop & it will install your store app)

E-) ShopSetting -> OTHER Choose your theme color. Upload your logo 296x82 px under 10kb. Upload your fevocin.ico 512x512 in .ico format. Add your social media urls with font awesome class "fa fa-facebook" for facebook, "fab fa-twitter" for twitter, "fab fa-youtube" for youtube, "fab fa-instagram" for instagram & so on.

F-) "Shipping->Location" Here you can create list of locations you serve.

G-) "Shipping->Price" here you can set price of shipping as per your each location saperately.

Question: How to add product?